PRAZONE Home page

Quality Website Designing in Mumbai

Ready To Take your Local Business to Global Level?

Start building online Brand image with our Website Designing Services in Mumbai

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Website Designing

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Local SEO

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Website Redesigning

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Social Media

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Gain Your Business Visibility on Search Engines

We provide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services through which your Website visibility on Search Engines can be increased

SEO Service in Mumbai
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Our Quality Services

Design a Quality Website Once from us rather than Redesigning due to lack of visibility and Enhanced User experience

The best services we provide for our clients include our integrity to work for them and the dedication we show towards our individual projects.
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UX design

Website Design

We create AI chatbots for any kind of website to help you streamline your communication process.


Website Redesigning

Building virtual reality is our forte. We can provide you with an outstanding virtual reality project.


Local SEO

Defending yourself against cyber attacks is best done with advanced, self-learning artificial intelligence. We offer custom AI-based security services.

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Social Media

For cloud infrastructure, we have a highly trained team to automate your business development with AI.

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About Us

Our Goal is To Provide Quality Service

Our Goal is to provide Result oriented Website Designing and relevant Services such as Local SEO, and SEO to Professionals like Health Care Professionals such as Doctors, Dentists, Radiologists, Diagnostic Centres, etc, and Other Professionals such as architects, Advocates, CA, CS, etc., and other Service Providers such as Hospitality Sector, NGO, Restaurants, etc. through Organic Search results.

Customized Web Designing

NO COPY PASTE MODELS - Full Customized UI/UX Design with Result Oriented Local SEO Services

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Read More Of Our Blogs

Explore more of our blogs to have a better understanding of SEO and our services.

The most Popular Search Engines

How Search Engines Work?

How search engine works? What is crawling and Indexing by Search Engines? What are guidelines of search engine? Read more in detail about How Search engine works

Read Full Article
What is basic SEO process (explained in short by PRAZONE) can be understood by layman

What is basic SEO?

What is basic SEO? SEO abbreviation stands for Search Engine Optimization. Let’s understand the basic idea of a Search Engine. Here is a Basic SEO checklist –> SEO for beginners […]

Read Full Article

Our Logo Designing

Dr Pradeep Shriyan Logo
Dr Anurag S Agarwal Clinic


Common Questions Asked (FAQ)

What is importance of having Online Business Presence?

There are many Benefits of having online presence of Local Business.

Some are below:

  • Create Global Brand Value
  • Shoot Up Business Profits at Nominal Cost
  • Increase Trustworthiness
  • Target Right Audience

Read More about 9 important reasons of having online business presence

What Steps to be Followed to Promote Business Digitally?

There is Complete Guide on How you Should bring your Local Business Online?

Click Here to Read More…

Why Business need a Website?

It is more Beneficial to  Businesses or even Non-Profit Organizations to have a Website.

A Classic website, which is Well Optimized Adds a Reputation to Business.

A Business can provide Complete details and information about their Products and Services to Public at Large.

  • Great Customer Reach 
  • Reach Target Audience at Right Time
  • Improves Overall Quality
  • Increases Trustworthiness

Click Here to Read More about 10 Simple reasons why your business needs website…

What is SEO?

If your Business related Information ranks better on Organic Search Results then it is called SEO.

When any Website or Business Listing ranks better on SERP and visibility is increased then it is termed as that Website or Listing is Optimized for Organic Search Result.

When a website ranks better without spending for Ad Campaign then it is called properly done SEO.

Click Here to Read More as to Why SEO is important aspect and Why Hire SEO Expert

What is main Goal of Search Engine for Business?

A Main Goal of Search Engine for Business is to improve visibility on related Keywords.

It Boosts presence of Business on Search Engine on relevant Keywords and generate more traffic, leads resulting in more revenue.

A Business can be Promoted by two types on Search Engines:
–> Organic Means OR
–>  Ads Campaigns.

Read More on How Search Engines work?

What is Local Business Optimization?

It Simply means Improving Visibility of Local Business on Search Engines.

Optimizing Local Business will help in Rank in Top resulting in improving visibility on Search Engine.

When user of Search Engine requires relevant information about Local or Nearby Businesses and if your business information matches with it then your Local Business is Optimized for that Keyword.

There are many strategies involved in Local Business Optimization:

  • Website Optimization for Local Business
  • Internal Linking
  • Citations etc.

Read More about Our Local Business Optimization Services

Contact us Today to Optimize your Local Business

What is importance of Brand Value in Digital World?

Digital Marketing will allow you to Create a Global Brand Value of your Products/Services.

That is point where Business can stand out different from their competitors.

Digital Marketing gives a Business an Opportunity to Showcase unique identity of Business to World.

This can be achieved by following:

  • A Unique Detailed Description (or Feature) and information about Products/Services they offers.
  • Showcasing Customer Satisfaction.
  • Standard Operating Procedure by Business of Relevant Business/Industry.
  • Creation of Loyalty Program for Old and Returning Customers.

It will lead to increase Trustworthiness of Business, and will lead to increase Brand Value.

It establishes Authority and Expertise in your Business.

Why hire A Professional Digital Marketing Firm?

A Professional Digital Marketing Firm will analyse overall Business Digital Marketing need according to type of Business.

We choose a Best Suitable and Profitable Medium for Overall Business Promotion.

We adhered to Search Engine Guidelines, Rules and Recent Changes.

We do Follow to Industry specific Code of Conduct, Professional Ethics.

We analyse Market Trends for Business.

Contact us!

What is Social Media Marketing?

Once your Business Website is ready, connect it with Social Media Platform. It leads to wide customer reach.

Customers will be able to follow your business and review your business easily on social media.

Optimize Social Media Pages and profiles to increase customer satisfaction and generate more organic traffic.

If you are publishing content on your website is considered as Original Work as per Copyright Act, then you may Register your “Work” which is considered as “Original” under Copyright Act on  –>

Copyright Website India

Our Approach


Step I

Consultation for Digital Business Promotion

We First Consult our Client for Digital Promotion of their Business. We will overview the Details of Business or Industry. We will guide them according to need and type of Business/Industry.

Step II

Gathering Detailed Information

Our Main Goal is to Boost Our Client's Business by delivering Quality Service. We perform Research and form strategies to deliver best outcome

Step III

Website Development according to Need of Business

We Develop Business Website by understanding Type of Business and Need of Business. We Develop Responsive website for all types of Devices.

Step IV

Website Optimization for SEO

Website Development and Optimization both are Conjoined. Without proper SEO of Website, visibility and Ranking of your Website will not be improved.
Local business

Step V

Optimizing for Local SEO

If client is ready to invest then we offer Local SEO services to clients which serve local customers to generate leads by Organic search results.

Step VI

Setting up Social Media Presence

We set up your Business Presence on Social Media Platform as well. We set and Optimize Social Media Presence.

Step VII

Monitoring Overall Digital Business Performance

We will Analyse Past data from the day we made online Business Presence of our client and after each certain time interval.
Update business strategy



The Most Crucial Step after Monitoring is Maintenance. We will Continuously put our effort to maintain. Many Businesses give up in Maintenance stage.

Step IX

Celebrate Success!

Once Our Client Business Grows, and we maintain the Top position, Let's Celebrate Success together!

Why Choose Us?


We Follow Ethical Values in every aspect of Business. We follow Industry specific Code of Ethics. We adhered to All Guidelines, Laws, Regulations of Search Engine and Country specific Rules in General as Common Practice.


We deliver Quality Services to our Clients. To deliver Expert Professional Services, we keep ourselves updated with recent changes of Search Engine Guidelines etc. We provide Best Solution to each of their Queries.


We follow Standard Practices which each Professional should follow. We Respect and Value each Person's Opinion and Values in General business. We Follow Ethical Practices.


We Follow Standard Practices of Not Disclosing or Sharing our Client's Information to any Third Party at any cost. We Do not Disclose any Information of our client which is not in Public Domain and unless it is required by Laws or Regulation or Public Officer of Any Country.

Customer Support

We Provide Online Customer Support Service throughout working Hours. We do take effort that, our customers get answers to their queries at the earliest. We put our best efforts to clear confusion and queries in mind of our client.


We bring Complete Transparency in each every step of providing service to our client. There is No Hidden Cost in our Services. We provide complete process of How we are going to handle our client's business Promotion.

Standard Quality Practices

At Each Step of process of Client's work, we follow Standard Quality Practices in general. We do take Consent before Each major steps of Client's Assignment, so that discrepancies will be avoided.

Integrity & Value

We care and value everyone on the planet. We safeguard the Values, opinions and Belief of Every Living creature on this planet. We respect the values of every living Individual or Group. We follow Integrity and Loyalty Principals.

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